
Client Setup

  • Add – Service / Web Channel has a new property called Security Level to simply some of the security settings that may be required in Site Setup.  This locks down access to functionality in the Web Channel like the Index related content and Help etc. There are four levels Normal, Medium, High and Very Strict.  It is recommended using Medium or Higher when exposing the site to the Internet.  High and Strict lock out the Index page and various metadata that would normally be available after sign on (Depending on the account type).  A level of High or Strict will also not allow any Web user logons with blank passwords.


  • Add – Security tab now has a new checkbox called Only administrators can access. It was possible to use Groups and User account to lock down a report to admin users only however for ease of use this functionality has been added.  If can be useful when bundling published reports in a Datamodel and there is a requirement for admin access only.

Web Channel

  • Change – Report filters and URLs will no longer be able to do inline expressions on the Web facing end.  They are still supported from within Query Builder as they are resolved before they appear in the Web Page.  This has been done to further enhance security


  • Change – ORACLE SQL for text would always be prefixed with N’abc’ assuming Unicode this is the safest default.  However, ORACLE where clauses would run slow if the column did not support Unicode (Had trouble using index and converting from Unicode to ANSI).  For this reason, the engine now checks the raw SQL data type in the Datamodel and if it is not a Unicode data type then the N is removed.

Site Setup

  • Change – Named User Licenses now track the user accounts accessing the system.  Users will not be able to sign in if they are not in the allocated list.   Once a named User License has been loaded the Site Setup selection tree will display a node called Named User License Allocation.  In the case were the Named User License Allocation list it will be auto populated by the Engine based on the first users to access the application up to the Named User license limit.  Note that Active Directory Groups should not be put into the Allocation List but rather the final AD User accounts only.