

  • Navigation menus now respect the remove table, column borders settings on Table tab to remove borders to give a flat style.


  • Excel automation would sometimes stop working due to Excel clipboard errors during the Add-in load.   This would block all Excel scheduled jobs from working from that point on.  The Sharperlight Add-in now traps and handles Clipboard corruption to ensure the add-in can continue loading and extracting data.


  • Dictionary import now detects if the import file has new keys or not and allows their creation.  Normally you would create new keys only within Studio Dictionary but in some rare cases it’s maybe required to create them externally and import them in.

RESTful Service

  • Calling Process did not check see to see if the Datamodel StartUp or User Logon events had been fired or not.  Now checks these events and fires them if required.

Web Channel

  • When authentication is NTLM or Windows a user can now Sign-out and instead of see an error message about not having access the message has been changed to say to complete the process you should close the Browser.  This is because Browsers handle and cache this authentication details.