
Site Setup

  • New – Azure AD support.  Azure users can now be used with sync with in Site Setup. Requires that the Application be registered and the Client and Tenant details be set in a configuration windows in Site Setup

Query Builder

  • Add – System / Web Table now supports Azure security for accessing Azure based content like Emails, Contacts and Calendar etc
  • New – Expressions for Azure Graph access tokens, user validation and API calls
  • Add – Web Page Table has new Authentication Filter and UI to support Authentication types such as Basic, Windows and Azure Graph.
  • Add – New Expression to get JSON array size JSONArrayCount() and JSONNamedArrayCount(“Name”)
  • Add – System / Excel table now supports Start Cell Position based on a Text search   e.g. StartAt:xxx and StartAfter:xxx.    Also support for various Authentication types for when the file is coming from a URL address instead of the file system.
  • Fix – Query Preview – Clicking on Header to sort numbers did not sort negative numbers correctly.


  • Add – Pre-process Custom SQL
  • Add – Resource action File Open to open files after compiling
  • Add – New Foundry template to demonstrate budgeting with periods and permissions.


  • Change – Action Type selection is now a popup window instead of a dropdown
  • New – JavaScript – Azure Graph Library.
  • Add – Web Page now supports POST method and various Authentication types (Basic, Windows, Azure)
  • Add – Webhooks now supports GET method in addition to the exist POST. Also supports various Authentication types (Basic, Windows, Azure)
  • Add – Various Actions File Exists, Web Page and Webhooks can save results to a Task Parameter Name.
  • Add – Writeback can now use a JSON file or JSON formatted Task Parameter as a data source.
  • Add – Support for double quote protection when referencing {tabs} such as “{%Name}” or when putting quotes on the inside of the tag {%”Name”}.  Previously only single quotes were supported e.g. ‘{%Name}’

Web Channel

  • Fix – Drill Throughs on the primary Publisher Query did not work when the primary query they were based on had no filters