
Version 5.1.56

by 管理者 / 2022年01月19日 / アップデート情報
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Web Channel

  • Add – REST API Header Authorization supports Client Secrets in both the existing Basic FeedKey:*** format or with the Client Secret by itself with no Basic FeedKey: prefix to be in alignment with Scheduler.  Publisher Links tab now shows Client Secret details when selected.
  • Change – REST API URL parameter &rowSelectFilter now supports levels of row selection filters as numbers 1 to (n).  Where a lower number will refresh any section with a higher number to support multiple levels of cascading filters.
  • Add – Nested Grid Writebacks with sub details will now show the Table descriptions in the edit bar to give better context the table areas.  There are also two new URL parameter so that these can be overridden including when there are no sub-details.


  • Change – Layout Row Selection Filters now support levels so that multiple levels of cascading filters can achieved. Where a lower number will refresh any section with a higher number to support multiple levels of cascading filters.  &titleEditMain=MAIN TITLE   &titleEditDetail=DETAIL TITLE
  • Add –Title and Description Filter reference have a new tag option to force the display of <ALL> instead of setting it to blank.  Add the tab [ShowAll] to the filter tag syntax.   E.g. {*Filter[@BusUni][ShowAll]}
  • Fix – Title and Description Filter reference with custom formatting for dates and number did no get the format correct when the filter had comparison operators like <=    >= etc.


  • Fix – Value Lists on Oracle were always assuming Unicode support by prefix text with N’ and casting as NCHAR.   This caused SQL errors when Unicode was not supported so it now locks at the original SQL data type and bases the logic on that to use CHAR or NCHAR or not


  • Add – Value Lists now have hints tags to control which value writeback should use when committing data.  The default is to use the value if defined otherwise the code. Now with the following tags <writebackUseValue> <writebackUseCode> <writebackUseDescription> it is possible to use the code, description or value