
Command Line

  • Change – Saving Published Reports to Excel xls, xlsx will create a standard list instead of using a Page Designer layout unless one is present.  This is a better format as there are no repeating headers in the list.

Query Builder

  • Fix – System Tables Financials Spot and History stopped working due to the service changing their API and also requiring an Access Key to be registered with their site   Their free plan limits the number of calls to 1000 per hours and a limited set of currency pairs.   It is recommended to setup an access key with the BASIC or PRO plans.  If no access code is set then the default Sharperlight one is used but this should be used just for testing and not production as the limit may be hit.
  • Fix – ORACLE Unicode support on values lists sometimes raised errors in the SQL due to the setup of the database culture encoding.  Engine now avoids Unicode unless the Datamodel specially sets the SQL original data type as nchar, nvarchar etc  (notice the n prefix on the data type)

Web Channel

  • Fix – Writeback Grid Entry dropdowns did not always work if a Lookup did not have a second value like a description.
  • Fix – Entry forms that referenced/injected published reports content like html and JavaScript with embedded resources did not work correctly.

Materialized Query

  • Fix – Disabling and Enabling a Database raised errors but it did set the new state.