Site Setup
- Fix – Azure AD sync did not work correctly with Client Secrets.
Reporting Rows
- Fix – Reverse Sign worked correctly when numbers had the most common underlying data type of decimal. However, the less common SQL database data types of floats, double, integer and long were not reversed signed. These data types are driven by the SQL database table column data type.

Client Setup
- Fix – Restored dropdown box used to restore previously saved client Settings would sometime has entries that had not data. Also named restore entries would disappear of the list after 20 saves but these are now always preserved at the top of the list.

- Add – Services / Security / Allow Remote Site Setup Settings property controls access to security sensitive settings as seen in Product Settings. This is useful when giving Remote access to Site Setup to clients in a Cloud multi-tenant environment. When disabled only local connections on the Server can gain access to Product Settings and discovering domain users. In this way clients can manage their own users without getting access to the core setup that locks their access to for example a subset of companies.
- Add – Services / Security / Allow Remote Site Setup Protect Users property controls the visibility of top-level configuration user accounts. Basically, you can hide a single or a list of user accounts from those using a Remote Connection while only showing them on a Local Connection. This is useful when giving Remote access to Site Setup to clients in a Cloud multi-tenant environment with the intent of only allowing the client to manage their accounts. When disabled only local connections on the Server can see, edit and delete these protected user accounts. In this way clients can manage their own users while protecting these special accounts which are in most cases only used by the admins maintaining the environment at the top most level so they will have direct access to the App Server.

- Fix – Page Designer would column repeat values when combined with Dynamic Columns on Sub Queries on a Remote Connection.
- Fix – Drill Through dates would always default to formatted as dd/MM/yyyy when not specified. Now uses local culture date formats so in the US it will show M/d/yyyy.
- Fix – Save As file names that included a date time reference {_Date.Time} would fail with a invalid file name error due to the invalid characters in the time part HH:MM when combined with a default folder location.
- Add – Data Add functions lib_data.DateAddYears, lib_data.DateAddMonths, lib_data.DateAddDays, lib_data.DateAddHours, lib_data.DateAddMinutes, lib_data.DateAddSeconds, lib_data.DateAddMilliseconds