
Version 5.4.18

by 管理者 / 2022年08月29日 / アップデート情報
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Query Builder

  • Add – Lookups are generally by default limited to 1000 rows but this can now be overridden by using the Change row limit checkbox.  Note the Change row limit will only show when there are 1000 items in the list indicating the limit was reached.
  • Add – Lookups based on Values Lists now have a checkbox to allow the selection to be based on the Descriptions instead of the codes.
  • Add – Expression to create HTML based percentage bars with options text at top, bottom, left and right with custom CSS styling.  If the values provided are between 0 and 1 then it’s treated as percentages otherwise numbers like 0 to 100000 will be automatically turned into percentage ratios.  A single value e.g. 0.5 or a comma delimited list of values in quotes e.g. “0.2, 0.57, 0.10” are both supported.  A drill link can also be set to allow drill throughs on click.
  • Fix – Use Lookup values to drive output series did not always work correctly with two basic issues.  One issue was if you filtered on the primary table, it would often take out rows based on the series where there was not data.   Also, if series was based on a Date that was transformed into Year/Month for example it would raise a SQL error due to the match output Date did not get Year/Month applied like it should have.

Site Setup

  • Fix – Import Users as CSV list did not set the Group correctly and always used the default Group.


  • Add – Value Lists now has better support for handling blank values.  e.g. <code></code>
  • Add – Value List tag to force the default values to be based on the descriptions instead of the code.  Tag is <UseDescriptionByDefault>