

Version 5.2.35

Query Builder Change – Increase row limit on System tables such as CSV, JSON, XML, Web Tab, Excel, Windows Event Log, LDAP and MS Teams.  Fix for v5.2.33 got SQL error when no dataFix – Sub Q[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.33

Query Builder Change – Increase row limit on System tables such as CSV, JSON, XML, Web Tab, Excel, Windows Event Log, LDAP and MS Teams.  Previously it would max out at 1,000 rows but can now[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.31

Query Builder Fix – Filter Mapping did not work correctly when used in combination with multiple Company or Business Unit filter selections.Fix – new Output Sub Queries were not showing Expression[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.29

Query Builder Add – When opening a Materialised Query that is associated with a Database that is not valid, a prompt now appears to allow the Query to be redirected to another MQ Database.  T[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.27

Query Builder Add – Output Expressions can now be used as filter parameters in Sub Queries.  Previously the only way to calculate a value was by using Filter Expressions e.g. _Expression( ) w[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.25

Filter Mapping Add – Writeback support via Excel, Scheduler and Web Channel Security Roles Fix – Writeback support via Excel, Scheduler and Web Channel Publisher Fix – Create Menu bran[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.23

Scheduler Change – Save As Excel, CSV and PDF will now auto convert fields of data type HTML to text unless the Query Output name is suffixed with _Raw.New – Action to convert Office Word DOCX and[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.21

Scheduler Fix – User sign would fail when manually starting Tasks if the Service User Account was not trusted in Site Setup despite the task be set to run with current User.   Now uses t[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.13

Security Roles New – User defined security that can be applied to almost any field in Query Builder.  Select a field and apply security roles to it so that reports and lookups are restricted [...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.3

Publisher Fix – Google Map Layers did not always work correctly when displaying pins with labels and did not show any pins due to a JavaScript error.  This was recently introduced.Add – Googl[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.1

Scheduler Fix – Save as Excel would fail if the dataset exceeded 1 million rows due to limit in 2010 Excel file format which the library uses.  Raised Row Index error.  Now auto splits t[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.90

Query Builder Fix – Dynamic Columns based on Dates with a Year/Month function applied to them would not work correctly in Excel if dates were referenced in cells instead of text in YYYY/MM format.[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.85

Command Line Change – Saving Published Reports to Excel xls, xlsx will create a standard list instead of using a Page Designer layout unless one is present.  This is a better format as there [...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.81

Datamodel Installer Fix – Version compare did not work correctly on the revision part of the version.  The revision is not a number but text however users have been entering numbers and expec[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.78..79

Query Builder Fix – Filter <in> criteria would drop when reopening Query Builder.  This issue was introduced in 5.1.78.Fix – Filter Mapping of Company or Business Unit selection in Exce[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.74

Materialised Queries Fix – Duplicate rows would appear if the Query seeding the MQ was based on one of the System Tables that is sourcing data not from the Sharperlight Database but rather the Clo[...続きを読む]
タグ: ,

Version 5.1.70

Web Channel Add – Google Layer Maps Legend now support colour attributes on category codes by adding colour onto end of code e.g.   Category[#ff00ff] or   \Region[#CCCC00]\Site[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.68

Materialised Queries Fix – When ‘Use Temporary Table during update’ is enabled a SQL error ALTER TABLE COLUMN would occur if the data size exceeded the existing initial varchar size and Sharperlig[...続きを読む]
タグ: ,

Version 5.1.66

Web Channel Add – Data Entry can now refresh an iframe by its ID or class by using the new parameters submitReloadAttr and deleteReloadAttr.  For example &submitReload=2&submitReloadA[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.63/64

Web Channel Fix – Percentages in Data Entry Forms and Grid had to be entered as a value between 0 and 1.  Can now enter 45 for 45% and 1 for 1% etc.Fix – Data Entry Grid number sliders did no[...続きを読む]