

Version 6.0.87

Query Builder 修正 – 出力サブクエリを参照モードに設定すると、フィルターが出力値 {%TargetCode} ではなく<ALL> に設定されているため、最初の行のクエリ結果が正しく表示されません。サブクエリが作成後に編集された場合、サブクエリは自動的に修正されます。この問題は現在修正されています。 (かなり稀なケースです) Form Designer [...続きを読む]

Version 6.0.44

Writeback 修正 – v6.0.34 で導入された変更により、無効な XML タグが原因で SunSystems のライトバックが失敗することがありました。 修正 – Web チャネルのデータ入力グリッドでは、別のテーブルへの継承参照が存在するたびに、データモデルに結合が存在しないため、表示に見つからないコード パスが表示されることがありました。 修正 – 前処理また[...続きを読む]

Version 6.0.4

サイトセットアップ 追加 – サイトセットアップは、監査目的ですべてのユーザーのサインインとライセンスの使用状況を記録します。これにより、長年にわたってシステムが遅くなり、アプリケーション サーバー上のディスク領域がより多く消費される可能性があります。履歴データはサイト設定で手動でクリアできますが、これに加えて、監査目的で保持したい月数に基づいて自動クリアできるようになりました。 特に指[...続きを読む]

Version 5.4.24 追加

Web Channel Add – Filter slicers as used in Expressions have enhanced to handle multiple filter criteria and to also support toggle between All and selected items.  This give better filtering[...続きを読む]

Version 5.3.6

Query Builder Fix – Filtered Outputs and Dynamic Outputs did not work correctly on the SunSystems Ledger FilterFix – Filter Sub Queries that return no results when mainly dealing with Dates or Per[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.63

Excel Fix – Group Writeback depending on the contents would leave database transaction open. Reporting Rows Fix – Override default format would display in the wrong columns positions if comb[...続きを読む]

Version 5.2.31

Query Builder Fix – Filter Mapping did not work correctly when used in combination with multiple Company or Business Unit filter selections.Fix – new Output Sub Queries were not showing Expression[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.46

Scheduler Fix – Published Report with Security to limit access to users and groups would fail when scheduled as it would deny access to the content no matter the user. Excel Fix – Header bac[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.41

Query Builder Fix – Issues with single filters and IN and NOT IN logic where prefix is << or <<!  The not in logic did not work when filters were set to single value input e.g.&nb[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.38

Scheduler Add – SFTP action now support Public Authentication Key Files Add – JavaScript SFTP library Create Function now supports third parameter for Public Authentication Key data Shar[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.34

Publisher Fix – Filter Sub Queries defined to refine the lookup where not working correctly when combined with wild card searches prefixed with ** or %Fix – PDF rendering would get an object error[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.50

Query Builder Add –Support for Not blank or null keyword tag   !<blank_or_null>Add –Support for Not blank or zero keyword tag   !<blank_or_zero> Excel Fix – W[...続きを読む]

Version 4.8.100

Studio Fix – Editing syntax very large highlighted SQL would sometimes reach its limit and would not allow new text to be inserted.Compare Datamodels how has a tooltip over the label to show the s[...続きを読む]

Version 4.8.54

Query Builder New – Filter Options to use Lookup values as Output Series. This is used when reports based on transaction do not contain all the combinations.  For example, you want all the da[...続きを読む]

Version 4.8.47

System Fixed - File List table did not always get the correct Last Modified date time, was converting hours to 0 to 12 instead of 0 to 23. Foundry Fixed - When loading time data from a Query[...続きを読む]

Version 4.8.13

Query Builder Fix for Sub Query Filters when switch a Super Field (Company) files from a constant to a filter reference {@Company}.  If the parent query had multiple values select the referen[...続きを読む]

Version 4.7.82

Scheduler New JavaScript support.  Execute JavaScript to access the file system, web content and task information etc.   Full ECMA 5.1 compliance with additional access to[...続きを読む]
タグ: ,

Version 4.7.76

Excel New Writeback Service Code can now be a cell reference so that multiple Remote Connections can be targeted

Version 4.7.74

Scheduler Fix Scheduler Task is disabled - don’t create triggersFix Merge PDF was broken and displayed object error Query Builder Fix Filter is Applied to Joins Logic – support field joins o[...続きを読む]