
#Query Builder

Version 5.1.40

Scheduler Fix – FTP did not display the file details when reopening and editing an Action.  Action would work correctly but editing the file setting would require you set it again.Add – File [...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.38

Scheduler Add – SFTP action now support Public Authentication Key Files Add – JavaScript SFTP library Create Function now supports third parameter for Public Authentication Key data Shar[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.30

Query Builder Add – Expressions to match Financial Functions found in Excel   PMT, IPMT, PV, FV and DDB Command Line Fix – ProductSettings issue with Quotes on parameters causing a[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.24 to 28

Publisher Add – Google Map Layer now has a new optional output field called Select (Boolean) which allows one to select rows by default so they are bouncing or marked with a yellow arrow on load b[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.23

Web Channel Fix – _Expression() sometimes appeared unresolved in Filter if it referenced a visible filter’s value.  Now encodes as inline _Expressions( ) are not allowed in filters in the Web[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.16

Foundry New – Field Advanced Options Writeback Grid Column Width Web Channel Fix – Permissions error on main Index page due to access to windows/temp folder being blocked.Fix – Hidden Filter[...続きを読む]

Version 5.1.8

Foundry New – Field Advanced Options now allows a Default Format to be applied to Dates and NumbersNew – Input Style Number SpinnersNew – Input Style Number Slider.  Note use the Validation f[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.99

Command Line New – /ProductSettingsSet Allows the setting of Site Setup / Product Settings via the command line.  (See online article for details)New - /RemoteConnectionSet Add, Update and De[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.98

Command Line New – /CompileAll will recompile all Datamodels in the same way that Datamodel Installer / Force Recompile does.    This may take a few seconds to complete so it is rec[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.88

Query Builder New – System Product table Map KML/KMZ.  Turn Geo map data in KML/KMZ formats into a dataset that is ready to render in publisher as Google Maps Layer.  Supports Markers, P[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.87

Query Builder Fix – System Product table User Account tables returned all users instead of the current user when filter CU was set after build 5.0.65.   Now returns the current user.Fix [...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.85

Engine Add – Support for https TSL 1.2 protocol.   On occasions Excel would not be able to remote connect to the App Server while non-Excel apps Publisher were able to.  This was du[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.75

Engine Add – New tag to get the parent table code {_Table.Parent.Code}Add – New tag to get the SQL where clause syntax of a filter {?Filter[1]./Codepath[sql]} Query Builder New – Expression [...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.72

Site Setup New – Group property called Allow Published – Default Security Settings.  By default, this is True but when set to False new reports will automatically be restricted to the User ho[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.69

Instance Management Add – Delay sections option to set the number of seconds to wait between string Services when using the Bulk – Start Service menu.Add – Web Channel main index page report now s[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.68

Scheduler New –FTP action now also supports SFTP protocol to download, upload, rename, delete and list etc files over SFTP protocol.New – JavaScript FTP now support SFTP protocol. Also, some new f[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.65

Scheduler Fix File Exist Goto Action raised serialization error when using Remote Connections Query Builder Fix – Product Lookup did not always display license information correctly when con[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.51

Query Builder Fix –Annotations Icon expression did not show correct icon if there were hidden outputs before it Publisher Fix – Grid total row were always centre aligned.  Now right ali[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.50

Query Builder Add –Support for Not blank or null keyword tag   !<blank_or_null>Add –Support for Not blank or zero keyword tag   !<blank_or_zero> Excel Fix – W[...続きを読む]

Version 5.0.46

Site Setup Add –Support for Microsoft Online Accounts.  The Account type is MicrosoftAdd – New User right click menu item to add the current user accountAdd – Accounts that have blank passwor[...続きを読む]